Monday 8 August 2016

2nd Trimester

Around the 5th month, I went for the full scan. Confirm, we are getting a boy!

Things are starting to get more interesting for me. From the 5th month, I could feel some rippling effect in my lower abdomen area. Now in my 6th month, his movements are much stronger that I could feel and see the movements from the outside. Whenever I am feeling hungry, that is when he will be moving more. My husband and I will get very excited when this happens.

So I now not only have to swap all my pants for maternity pants, but also many of my tops and even bras. I feel really uncomfortable wearing tight clothing especially around my tummy and ribs area. After having a full meal, I will have to loosen my bra as the area around my left ribs will get uncomfortable and sore like feeling. Not really sure how to describe that irritating feeling.

I have yet to develop any cravings so far but my appetite has really grown. I feel like munching all the time! I will usually munch on biscuits, waffles, and ice cream sometimes. I try to munch on healtheir food like fruits and less on oily or sweet stuff. Oh and my tolerance for spicy food has increased a little! Yeah! Before, my tolerance was really low.

I think that I need to exercise more now. Only 6 months and sometimes I feel really tired after walking around for awhile. If I walked from Ion to Somerset,  will have to take a rest first. Maybe a dessert pit stop :D

With my 2nd trimester nearing its end, I have been planning on what I should buy for the baby. Didn't know this requires so much researching! Hahaha...

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Boy or girl??

Since I ate the nauseous medication, thankfully my morning sickness only came at night and for most of the day, I could handle the nauseous feeling. I could fast food and such but when it came to rice ns the normal dishes, my appetite was a little fussy. Hehe....

Once a month, I will visit the gynae. At around 4 months, my husband and I were very excited and were praying that our little one will not be shy and reveal his/her gender. 
Gynae: both of you can guess boy or girl from the screen here?
Us: *looking very hard between the legs but can't see anything
Me: so blur can't see anything
Gynae: most probably a boy. Can see between the legs a bit. Will confirm during the full scan.
Us: ooh.... 
Though to us it was still blurry. Haha...

Once I have reached the 4th month, my morning sickness died down. I was so glad that I can now eat more and not have to worry about throwing up. I have always been underweight and to finally see my weight increasing every month was a relief as I was worried I would not be able to provide enough nutrients for the baby.

Morning sickness gone, appetite increasing and backaches lessened... Time to enjoy the 2nd trimester 😆

Monday 11 July 2016

My New Experience

After 4 years of marriage and a relaxing trip to Bali in February..... I am finally expecting! (Alhamdulillah :) )

Throughout the 4 years I got my share of the irritating questions and advises: "are you planning?", "what are you waiting for?", "have you checked with your doctor?", " your sister's pregnancy will hopefully rub on you so that you can pregnant too" and so on. My response: "Insyaallah" and just smile. 

My husband and I were not really trying for a child during our first 2 years of marriage but we went the natural way as my periods were usually like clockwork and thus easier for me to plan. When we decided to try, I would get a little excited every time my period was a little late. In March this year, I forced myself to wait till I was 2 weeks late before I did the test. Man was I super happy to see the 2 lines that I went to buy the digital tester. I wanted a more accurate result. :D

Initially, I wanted to wait till I was about 3 months before seeing the doctor or gynae but I started getting gastric pains. My family doctor confirmed my pregnancy and gave me medicine for the gastric and nauseous. From then onward, my Merlion stage started.

Every morning I would eat the nauseous pill so that I could last my day at work without puking. Once I reached home, I would have to run to the toilet. I have always been very choosy when it comes to eating so it got worse. I couldn't eat rice much. Thankfully I could still eat western or Indian food. :D
I no longer like to drink my tea which is a good thing as I preferred milk now. Every where I went, I had to carry with a plastic bag (lucky for my husband as I had puked in his car a number of times but the plastic bags saved the day) and a couple of sweets.

At about 2 months, I went for my first check up. I was so eager to see the little one. And... edd end of November!

My little one at around 2 months.